Consultant Haematologist
Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Dr Briony Cutts is a consultant haematologist at the Royal Women’s Hospital and the Head of Obstetric Medicine at Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s, Melbourne, Australia. She is passionate about providing best care to women with bleeding and clotting disorders. She is a founding director of the Haematology in Obstetrics and Women’s Health (HOW) Collaborative and a senior lecturer at the University of Melbourne. She has a research interest in venous thromboembolism, bleeding disorders and anaemia in women’s health, has co-authored national guidelines on these topics and teaches haematology to trainees in haematology, obstetrics and gynaecology, nursing staff and midwives.
SOA 07.3 - Addressing the perimenopause
Sunday, June 23, 2024
08:50 – 09:10 ICT