CEO smart medication eHealth Solutions GmbH Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany
Background: Gene therapy is not limited to the actual infusion, but also includes the time before, during and after the therapy. Hub and spoke centers must jointly support and accompany the individual patient throughout the entire gene therapy cycle (see fig. 1).
Aims: Everything about gene therapy should be available in one place, i.e. one software platform (see fig. 2). The entire patient journey must be mapped: from initial discussions, patient education and proper documentation of a informed consent, outcome of the AAV test, preparation and application of gene therapy and follow-up after application of gene therapy.
Methods: The Gene software platform offers a holistic, secure and comprehensive solution for the entire treatment process. Cross-center communication and the exchange of data, documents, messages and Information. Tasks can be assigned to specific centers and patients. Notes and relevant Information material are comprehensively available. Interfaces are used to connect peripheral systems such as diaries, Information and pharmacy systems, registers and studies.
Results: smart medication Gene was developed in close collaboration with pharmaceutical manufacturers to take into account and map all requirements for the application of gene therapy. Tthe software tool was extensively validated in an advisory board consisting of physicians from future home centers and dosing centers. HCPs are currently being trained in the use of smart medication Gene, so that patients can then be documented and gene therapy applied in collaboration between the centers.
Conclusion(s): smart medication Gene covers the entire patient journey of gene therapy in hemophilia A and B. It is expected that gene therapies will be performed in Germany in a significant number and that the tool smart medication Gene will be used as standard tool in Gene therapy.